"ELDEN RING: The Road to the Erdtree," a gag manga work based on the action RPG "ELDEN RING," has been updated today, November 4, on COMIC Hu. This update includes the ninth episode.
"ELDEN RING: The Road to the Erdtree," a gag manga work based on the action RPG "ELDEN RING," has been updated today, October 19, on COMIC Hu. This update includes the seventh and eighth episodes together.
"ELDEN RING: The Road to the Erdtree," a gag manga work based on the action RPG "ELDEN RING," has been updated today, October 4, on COMIC Hu. This update includes the fifth and sixth episodes together.
"ELDEN RING: The Road to the Erdtree," a gag manga work based on the action RPG "ELDEN RING," has been updated today, September 19, on COMIC Hu. This update includes the third and fourth episodes together.
"ELDEN RING The Road to the Erdtree" a gag strips based on ELDEN RING, released in Japan and is localized 12 different languages today, September 4!
A new video of FromSoftware's new game "Elden Ring" (PS5 / PS4 / Xbox Series X|S / Xbox One / Steam) has been released. A TV commercial has been released along with an introduction to the gameplay flow.
On the official Twitter page of "ELDEN RING" for the international market, an image of a fierce bear-like beast attacking players in a foggy forest was released. A gameplay video including a battle against the beast was also released by Game Informer, an